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Apostille and legalisation

Documents signed by Schwyz authorities, officials or notaries can be legalised for use abroad at the Cantonal Chancellery. Documents intended for countries that have acceded to the Hague Convention (list of apostille countries) are legalised with the internationally standardised apostille stamp. In all other cases, the legalisation stamp is used.

You can send us documents (originals) signed by authorities or notaries of the Canton of Schwyz by post or have them legalised at the Cantonal Chancellery during opening hours.


Price per apostille or legalisation: CHF 25.– (Cash; debit/credit card; TWINT; invoice). For postal enquiries, an additional fee of CHF 8.– will be added for handling and postage.

In person at the counter

  • Appointments are not necessary. Exception: If you need more than 5 apostilles/legalisations, please contact us.
  • For translations, please contact the responsible embassy/consulate for the destination country or a translation agency.

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