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Business network


Commercial enterprises in Canton Schwyz pool their interests in associations and other organisations. These entities are business-friendly, professional and work to promote the interests of their members. Join them!

Canton Schwyz Trade and Industry Association

The Canton Schwyz Trade and Industry Association (H+I) is part of economiesuisse, the Swiss Business Federation. It represents the interests of the entire Schwyz business sector, mediates contacts and is active in business policy at a cantonal level. The H+I has around 250 members and encompasses most of the medium-sized and major trading and industrial enterprises in the canton.  

Schwyz Cantonal Trade Association

The Schwyz Cantonal Trade Association (KSGV) is the umbrella organisation for craftsmen, tradesmen and service providers in Schwyz. Composed of 15 local trade associations and 24 professional associations, it comprises over 3,000 individual members. The KSGV aims to bring commercial businesspeople together in Canton Schwyz and promote their economic and ideological interests.

Regional Development Associations

The Regional Development Associations of Einsiedeln and Rigi-Mythen support the independent initiative of companies in outlying regions and foster further training activities for businesspeople.  

Höfe Development Agency

The Höfe Development Agency represents companies domiciled in the district of Höfe. The agency provides information on inter-municipal matters and maintains active contacts with the Höfe municipalities and the district, as well as with Canton Schwyz’s Business Promotion Office.

Einsiedeln Business Promotion Office

Einsiedeln’s Business Promotion Office helps companies overcome administrative hurdles in their communications with the authorities. It acts as a point of contact for businesses and individuals interested in settling in the area and deals with the authorities on their behalf in the event of queries and concerns. Einsiedeln’s Business Promotion Office is in regular contact with that of Canton Schwyz.

Central Swiss Chamber of Industry and Commerce

The Central Swiss Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHZ) represents the economic interests of commercial enterprises in the Lucerne, Uri, Schwyz, Obwalden and Nidwalden cantons. Through consultations and proactive policies, the chamber seeks to influence the legislative process in the fields of economic, social, transport, financial and educational policy both at a federal level and in the cantons.


economiesuisse is the federation that represents Swiss business interests. It represents its members on both a national and international level and promotes the interests of the business sector within the political process. The federation helps shape the economic environment within the fields of foreign trade, finance, taxation, education and training, research, energy, the environment and infrastructure.

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